The British Isles

Ecco un breve e semplice testo che parla delle Isole Britanniche.
Per ascoltare la pronuncia basta selezionare le parole o le frasi.

The British Isles

The British Isles include Great Britain, Ireland and many smaller islands. Great Britain and Northern Ireland form the United Kingdom which consists of England (capital London), Scotland (capital Edinburgh), Wales (capital Cardiff) and Northern Ireland (capital Belfast).

The United Kingdom

Southern Ireland is an independent Republic called Eire (capital Dublin).
London is also the capital of the United Kingdom.
In the United Kingdom people speak English, but Scotland, Wales and Ireland also have their traditional languages (Scottish, Welsh and Irish). They are of Celtic origin and are very different from English. Sometimes they have a very difficult pronunciation.

King Charles III


The UK is a constitutional monarchy. The sovereign is the Head of state but the Prime Minister and an elected Government rule the country. The present sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II, who lives in Buckingham Palace, in London. The present Prime Minister is Rishi Sunak.

Rish Sunak


The Prime Minister always lives at 10, Downing Street.
The national flag is called the Union Jack.

The Union Jack

In Britain you can see a great variety of people.
A lot of boys and girls have English, Scottish or Irish families. But there are also some British whose families come from Africa, India, Pakistan, China or Jamaica.
A lot of immigrants from the old British colonies live in Britain and maintain their languages and culture.


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