Leisure time in the UK

Oggi vi propongo la lettura di un brano riguardante il tempo libero nel Regno Unito. Incontrerete strutture delle frasi ancora non apprese, ma non preoccupatevi; così come per le canzoni, esse costituiscono un’introduzione agli argomenti grammaticali che a breve troverete nel blog.

Leisure time in the UK

The British, like any other people, love their free time. For the Englishman a hobby is not just a way to spend his free time. It’s a serious occupation that has a big part in his life. It is difficult for him to imagine his life without a hobby.
A hobby is something that entertains you when you are bored, that distracts you when you are worried, relaxes you when you are stressed and even comforts you when you are sad.

Watching TV is a common leisure activity in the UK.

If music be the food of love, play on,” William Shakespeare once wrote. Music is always a great hobby, as it can bridge the gap between many cultures while at the same time upping your mood.

Music and friends and family come before our consumer desires, at least in the UK. Shopping is one of the favorite activities of UK citizens.

Eating at a restaurant usually implies social interaction, if not with a friend or loved one, then at least with the waiter. 

Other common hobbies are using the internet and reading and sending emails. With the rise of social media and instant messaging services, their usage is not as prominent in the UK. Coming after spending time with friends, listening to music and eating out.

Reading is a great hobby that can be relaxing in so many ways. Whether you learn about a new culture or are reading a bestseller or a classic, reading keeps you sharp. In the UK, reading is a very common hobby.

Among the most popular hobbies in Britain there is, of course, gardening. 
Almost every English house has a garden, and there’s always somebody in the family who looks after it with great care and affection. The weather, extremely unpredictable in Britain, is a further challenge which makes this activity all the more charming.

Other common hobbies are stamp collecting, cinema, painting, moving to sports, cricket, horse riding, football, cycling etc.
The newsagent are full of publications that deal with all sorts of different hobbies, from motorbikes to knitting, from gardening to decorating and DIY (do it yourself), and so on for the joy of those interested, who are always hunting for further and more specialized knowledge. 

And you? What do you like doing in your free time? What is your favourite hobby? What are your favourite hobbies?
I like doing Pilates. My favourite hobby is doing Pilates. My favourite hobbies are doing Pilates, reading, going to the cinema and watching TV.

Vi propongo adesso la visione di un video che vi consentirà di arricchire il vostro lessico.


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