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Hi! I’m going to describe my home. I live in an attic with two terraces, with my family. My flat is on the third floor.
When you go in, you can find a small hall. On the right, you can see a kitchen, a bathroom and my study. On the left of the entrance door, you can see a sitting room, a dining room, a toilet, my bedroom and my son’s bedroom.
The kitchen is big and very comfortable. In the kitchen, you can see a window and a glass door. Its curtains are white with small red flowers. You can see a cooker, an oven, a microwave, a sofa, a washing machine, a fridge, a dishwasher, some cupboards, a TV set and a sink. In the middle, you can see a white table and four white chairs. From the glass door you have access directly to a small terrace. In my dining-room you can see a tan wood table and six chairs, and a big bookcase.
On the left, you can see the sitting-room. There are three white sofas and some pictures on the walls. Opposite the big sofa there is a TV set. I go to sleep in front of the TV after dinner! From a glass door you have access directly to a very big terrace. In my terraces you can see many plants. I love my home because has a lot of light and a wonderful view. On one side I can see the volcano and on the other side I can see the sea.
My study is small, but it’s OK for me. It has a white sofa with red flowers and a lot of books. I love reading. You can see a desk and a personal computer on the desk. There are also lots of pictures.
In my bedroom you can see a double bed, a mirror, a closet and two bedside tables with lamps. There are some pictures on the wall. There is also a big shoe rack.
The bathroom has a window. You can see a toilet, a wash-basin, a bath tub, two cupboards and a mirror. The toilet has a small window, a wash basin, a shower, a cupboard and a mirror.
My son’s bedroom has a window and a glass door. It has a bed, a closet, a desk, a sofa and a big shoe rack. There is a personal computer on his desk.
I love my home very much! It is furnished in shabby chic style.
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