Reading comprehension – Kofi’s Day: A Glimpse into Life in Accra.
Reading comprehension – Kofi’s Day: A Glimpse into Life in Accra. Continue Reading →
“Learn as if you were to live forever.” Gandhi
Reading comprehension – Kofi’s Day: A Glimpse into Life in Accra. Continue Reading →
Reading Comprehension in inglese con traduzione in francese Continue Reading →
Reading Comprehension: Present Simple and Present Continuous Text (with French translation) Continue Reading →
Present Simple regular verbs ( Les verbes réguliers au présent de l’indicatif ) Continue Reading →
Sarah lives in a small town. Every day, she wakes up at 7 a.m. and eats breakfast with her family. She works in a bookstore, and she loves her job. … Continue Reading →
Ecco alcune espressioni utili per parlare di azioni quotidiane. Listen and read. Peter’s week. On weekdays Peter always gets up at ten past seven (he gets up later on Saturdays … Continue Reading →
Hello! My name is Anna, and I am 20 years old. I live in a small town. On weekdays, I wake up at 7 a.m. and go to school. I … Continue Reading →
I verbi di preferenza si usano per parlare di ciò che piace e di ciò che non piace. Comincerò dal verbo più usato, il verbo to like, che, pur traducendo “piacere” … Continue Reading →
Ecco la forma negativa ( Negative Form ) e la forma interrogativa ( Interrogative Form ) del Simple Present. Ricordate che per ascoltare la pronuncia basta semplicemente selezionare le parole … Continue Reading →
In questa lezione apprenderete la forma affermativa del “Present Simple ” ( Presente semplice ). Ascoltate e leggete il seguente brano tratto da New English File (Oxford) The mystery of … Continue Reading →