“A Chrismas Carol” è uno dei romanzi brevi più noti dello scrittore inglese Charles Dickens.
Vi propongo un breve riassunto di tale racconto da leggere e ascoltare.
Ricordate che per ascoltare la pronuncia basta selezionare la parola o la frase.
One cold Christmas Eve, Ebenezer Scrooge, the owner of a small London bank, is unkind to his clerk, Bob Cratchit, who is working hard and trying to warm himself over a candle as Scrooge refuses to give him more coal. Then he refuses to give to charity, and then is rude to his nephew when he invites him to spend Christmas with him.
When Scrooge gets home, he is visited by the ghost of his old business partner Jacob Marley – and then by three ghosts! They are the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Future.
The Ghost of Christmas Past takes Scrooge on a journey through Christmases from his past, taking Scrooge to see himself as an unhappy child and a young man more in love with money than his fiancé.
Then they see the girl become a woman, with her happy family.
Scrooge is upset.
The Ghost of Christmas Present shows Scrooge Bob Cratchit’s family, where he sees the humility with which the family tolerates its poverty. Next the spirit shows Scrooge his nephew and friends as they celebrate and joke about how Scrooge is a ‘ridiculous fellow’.
Finally, The Ghost of Christmas Future terrifies Scrooge by showing him visions of his own death.
The ghosts’ journey through time teaches Scrooge the error of his ways. When he wakes up on Christmas Day he is full of excitement, and buys the biggest turkey in the shop for the Cratchit family before spending the day with his nephew, full of the joys of Christmas.
The following day, Bob Cratchit comes to work late, but Scrooge, instead of getting angry, decides to pay him more. He learns how to laugh at himself and eventually becomes known as a man who knows how to celebrate Christmas.
Ed ecco un simpatico video che ne riassume la storia.
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