Ecco a voi un semplice brano dedicato alle tipiche case britanniche che, dal punto di vista architettonico, sono molto diverse dalle nostre. Le costruzioni infatti hanno una forma molto simile tra loro, anche se il colore dei mattoni o delle pietre può differire da una casa all’altra.
Per ascoltare la pronuncia delle parole inglesi basta selezionare le parole o le frasi.
The great majority of British families don’t like flats. They generally live in houses with a garden at the front and at the back. Gardens are the pride of British families. They are generally well-kept and have got a lot of flowers and a lawn. The grass is always very green and you can find a wide variety of flowers and trees. This is due to the mild but quite wet climate.
Blocks of flats
In the city centres there are many high buildings called blocks of flats, or apartments as the American call them. A flat is a set of rooms in a building, all on one floor, including a kitchen and a bathroom.
Detached houses
But most British families do not live in flats, they prefer houses.
The typical British house has two floors, upstairs and downstairs, and a garden surrounding it.
The kitchen, the dining room, and the living room are downstairs. The bedrooms and the bathrooms are upstairs. A detached house is not joined to other houses, only one family lives in a detached house.
Semi-detached houses
Two houses joined together are called semi-detached houses. A semi-detached house is joined to another house on just one house. Each house has got a separate front door. Many families live in semi-detached houses.
Terraced houses
But most families live in terraced houses. These are single family houses that are joined together side by side. Terraced houses have usually got front and back gardens.
A cottage is a small house with a garden. You usually find cottages in the country.
A bungalow is generally a house on one floor without any upstairs rooms. It’s usually got a garden around it.
La differenza tra house e home
Entrambi significano casa, ma house si usa per indicare la casa come edificio, un luogo di abitazione, senza riferimento alcuno all’ambiente familiare.
Se volete dire “La mia casa è grande“, dovrete usare house: “My house is large“.
Home si usa invece per indicare la casa come luogo affettivo, come focolare domestico, implica cioè un discorso più affettivo che fisico.
“Amo la mia casa” (con tutto ciò che racchiude dal punto di vista affettivo) = I love my home.
Vi propongo adesso la visione di un video che vi aiuterà ad arricchire il vostro lessico riguardante le tipiche abitazioni britanniche.
Ecco la traduzione di alcuni nuovi vocaboli riguardanti la casa.
Basement = seminterrato
Attic = mansarda
Shutter = serranda
Porch = portico
Drainpipe = tubo di scarico
Driveway = vialetto
Chandelier = lampadario
Dressing table = toletta
Cabinet = armadietto
Plunger = sturalavandini
Mop = mocio
Boiler = caldaia
Corkboard = bacheca
File racks = portadocumenti
Clipboard = appunti
Stove = fornello
Range hood = cappa aspirante
Chopping board = tagliere
Dishes = stoviglie
Counter = bancone
Plate rack = scolapiatti
Strainer = scolapasta
Meat tenderizer = batticarne
Bowl = ciotola
Food processor = robot da cucina
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