Last weekend

What did you do last weekend? Ecco alcuni esempi che possono esservi utili per descrivere il modo in cui avete trascorso i fine settimana.

Listen and read.

Kevin’s last weekend.

Last weekend I was very busy. On Saturday I did my homework all the morning. After I finished my homework,  I went with Mark, a friend of mine, to do some shopping for my brother’s party on Sunday. We bought a birthday present for him and we spent all the afternoon in a commercial centre between the supermarket and a few other shops buying some various things we needed. It was great! I bought a new cover for my mobile phone and Mark bought an amazing light blue sweater. On Saturday evening I stayed at home because it rained. I watched some films on Netflix with my family.
Sunday wasn’t a really lazy day. I did some gardening and I helped my parents. We had a lot to do to prepare for my brother’s party.  In the evening some friends and relatives started arriving to celebrate the party. We danced, we played cards and we chatted. We had a lot of fun!

Ed ecco due video che vi permetteranno di ampliare il vostro lessico riguardante il weekend.

N.B. Le immagini e i video sono stati reperiti nel web, quindi considerati di pubblico dominio, appartenenti a google, a youtube e ai legittimi proprietari, e usati a scopo meramente didattico. Qualora si ritenesse che possano violare diritti di terzi, si prega di scrivere al seguente indirizzo e saranno immediatamente rimossi.

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